Sirrix AG - security technologies Apps

PanBox 1.1.0
PanBox- Transparent Encryption of Files andFolders for Cloud and Storage• Store files to the PanBox-Folder• Files are encrypted and stored to the cloud• Protects confidentiality and integrity of data• Secure sharing of date between users and devicesCloud storage is very popular due to ease of use, cheap pricesand fast internet connection. The market leader Dropbox alone hasmore than 300 million users. However, the security of the data,which is put to the cloud storage, is threatened by the processingwithin the cloud storage itself, by cyber-attacks or byintelligence surveillance. A solution to this problem is providedby the software PanBox. It extends cloud-storage with client-sideend-to-end encryption of data. By its unique decentralized keymanagement PanBox still allows convenient sharing of data withother users among various devices. The user maintains completecontrol of the encryption and all the necessary keys.Please note that a PanBox installation on Windows or Linux isneeded in order to run the PanBox Android app. PanBox for Windowsand Linux offeres a generic adapter for cloud storage providerswhile the Android app in the current version is limited to Dropbox.Adapters for other cloud storage providers for the Android app areplanned.